Art in the Open

Congratulations to the organizers of Art in the Open.  It was an amazing cultural festival.  “The defining night of the summer.” With a selection of IMAC member works projected in the night air for all to see.

Art in the Open from the blog of ‘this town is small.’

HD Camera Workshop: Advanced – June 4th, 5th

Advanced HD Camera Workshop coming up this weekend:

Saturday June 4 and Sunday June 5

10am-6pm at the Guild

Only $10 per participant

Space is limited, so contact us soon to register!

(This workshop is open to those who took the intro workshop or those who already have some experience with HD cameras)

5 new media arts projects announced!

We are very excited for our amazing media arts community right now.  Several months ago, a steering committee was created to help develop the film and interactive media program under the Cultural Capital of Canada designation for Charlottetown.  An independent jury then had the very difficult task of choosing, from a pool of 17 excellent applications, the five new media arts works to be produced .  They are as follows:

Jason Arsenault – Exhibition Drive

Millefiore Clarkes – In Between Spaces

Jenna MacMillan – Fine Tuning

JoDee Samuelson – A Brief History of Charlottetown: from the last Ice Age to the Present

Joseph Weale – Landscapers

These projects will be created over the summer to be screened in the autumn.  We’re honoured to be a part of this special initiative, and proud of our wonderfully talented media artsists who contribute to this community.

For more on this, read the press release:



HD Camera Workshop: an introduction – May 28, 29

HD Camera Workshop for beginners coming up this weekend:

Saturday May 28 and Sunday May 29

10am – 6pm at the Guild

Only $10 per participant

This will be an excellent overview, promoting both a technical and artistic understanding of the camera.  Don’t miss out.  All are welcome, whether you’re experienced and just want a tune up, or if you’ve never held a video camera.

Space is limited, so contact us soon to register!

There will be an advanced workshop the following weekend.

IMAF 2011 – Over and Out

What an amazing time it was! Approx. 100 films screened from Atlantic Canadian filmmakers, workshops, panels, street-side projections, parties and awards. Thanks to all who helped make IMAF 2011 such a success.

And congrats to:

  • Jeremy Larter and Adam Perry for winning the 2011 CBC 3-2-1 Award!
  • Adam Perry for receiving the William F. White Filmmaker of the Year Award!
  • Harmony Wagner for receiving the ‘ CBC Audience Award’ for ‘Vast’.